
Yocto | Applications

#0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001

#International System Of Units

# 10exp-24

#Electro Chemical Reaction Measurement

#pH Probe

#redox Probe

#Low Voltage Sensor

#Gaz Sensor

#Wheatstone Bridge

#Load Cell

#USB Volt Meter

#Yocto Hub Ethernet

#Yocto Hub Wireless

#Yocto Visualisation

#Yocto Meteo

#Yocto To Yoatta Converter

#One Sep Tillionth

#Yocto Meter

#Yocto USB Temperature Sensor

#Liquid Temperature Sensor

#Yocto Second

#Quark State Measurement

#Time For Light To Cross Atomic Nucleus

#Research Of Ultrafast Processes Inside Nuclei

#Nuclear Physics

#Particle Accelator

#Extreme State Of Matter

#Quark Gluon Plasma

#Yocto Lifetime Of Plasma

#High Energy Photons

#Yocto Second Pulse Generation

#Synthetic biology | Synthetic yeast genome | Synthetic chromosome | Synthetic chromosome XI | DNA sequence constructed consists of around 660,000 base pairs (letters making up the DNA code) | Cell growing with the same fitness level as a natural cell | Researchers can force cells to shuffle their gene content, creating millions of different versions of the cells with different characteristics | Individuals can then be picked with improved properties for a wide range of applications in medicine, bioenergy and biotechnology | Process is effectively a form of super-charged evolution | Chromosome can be repurposed as a new system to study extrachromosomal circular DNAs (eccDNAs) | eccDNAs are free-floating DNA circles that have looped out of the genome and are being increasingly recognized as factors in aging and as a cause of malignant growth and chemotherapeutic drug resistance in many cancers, including glioblastoma brain tumors | Making synthetic versions of all of yeast chromosomes | Building synthetic chromosomes within yeast cells | Establishing foundations for designing and making synthetic chromosomes and even genomes for complex organisms like plants and animals

#AI Enabler

#Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography